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Mountain Bluebirds in Makoshika Park

Young Male Bluebird

Three types of bluebirds are found in the U.S., the Eastern Bluebird, the Western Bluebird and the Mountain Bluebird. Makoshika is home to the Mountain Bluebird. Beginning in early April, hundreds of Mountain Bluebirds begin appearing in Makoshika Park to nest and raise their young. Bluebirds are cavity nesters and will readily accept man-made nesting boxes as nesting sites. Bluebird groups across the nation insist that once bluebird nesting boxes are put up they must be closely monitored to ensure success. The people checking the bluebird nesting boxes in Makoshika try to visit and record nesting data

Adult Male Bluebird

every ten days. In 2018, eighty bluebird nesting boxes will be maintained and monitored in Makoshika State Park.

It could be argued that the male Mountain Bluebird possesses the brightest blue color of any bird in the world. When you see one you will know it. Chances are its mate will be nearby. The female is a dull grayish blue. The female normally lays five or six eggs. Wrens and tree swallows sometimes use the bluebird houses for nesting sites.

Groups visiting Makoshika Park who want more information on Mountain Bluebirds and monitoring a bluebird trail may inquire at the Visitor's Center. (Lew Melby is often available by appointment, to give bluebird talks. )

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